
Mitsuaki Aoyagi

Mitsuaki Aoyagi began working at the Nippon Foundation in 1991. After serving as the board member’s secretary, he supported the social sector for many years and promoted civic and NPO activities for people with disabilities. As a leader of the foundation's special support team, when faced with the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, he planned and implemented many reconstruction support projects in collaboration with businesses and governments. Subsequently, he was in charge of addressing child poverty and published Japan's first social loss estimation derived from child poverty. He also started research and pilot modeling for impact investment and established the Social Impact Investment Foundation (now SIIF) in 2017. Since then, he has been dedicated to the practice and knowledge sharing of impact investment, including Japan's first Social Impact Bond. He holds an MBA degree and is a part-time lecturer at the Graduate School of Management, Globis University.


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