
Standard Conversion as a Guardian of Impact Measurement

Standard Conversion points out the future direction of improvements in current impact measurement approaches.

Pioneers Post

Accounting is the Blind Spot of Economics – We Ignore it at Our Peril

Accounting is overlooked in economic theory, limiting its potential to address social and environmental challenges. It determines value distribution. Reimagine accounting as a driver of the economy, reflecting social rights and responsibilities to create a more holistic approach.

Pioneers Post

Venture Capitals Investment for Impact Pulls Back in 2022 Worldwide

Global venture investment in impact startups dropped in 2022 after a record high last year amidst a general slowdown in the venture capital market.

Pioneers Post

Six Social Enterprise Essentials: A Common Accounting Framework is Now Vital

Social enterprise pioneer Freer Spreckley explains why accounting for all costs is essential – and proposes an update of the social accounting and audit system he first designed in the 1980s.