Case Study

Operationalizing Social Value Strategy: How to Connect Operational Activities to Social Value Goals

This study examines operationalizing Social Value (SV) in an organization through a case study of ISG Ltd. We propose the “Connect Activities to Goal” (CAG) framework (Capacity Building, Action Planning, Guided Behavior) to bridge the gap between SV strategy and measurable SV goals.

Pioneers Post

What is Social Value?

What does ‘social value’ actually mean? How is it used in practice? Stephanie Robertson and Ada Yip, co-chairs at Social Value International, have the answers in our latest explainer.

Organizational Report

Impact Management for the Power of Love Platform by Taishin Charity Foundation

Background Taishin Charity Foundation (TCF), founded in 2010 to support small and medium-sized nonprofits and social enterprises, launched Taiwan’s first large-scale online charity campaign called “The Power of Love Platform” (PLP), along with the assistance of capacity building at the organizational level. TCF has adopted the Social Return on Investment (SROI) methodology to assess the […]