Sustainability Leadership

Assessing the Impact of Sport for Development Programmes on Gender Equality: Challenges and Opportunities

The importance of robust evaluation practices and impact measurement cannot be overstated in demonstrating the effectiveness of Sport for Development initiatives. These practices are not only instrumental in promoting gender equality and fostering continuous improvement, but also play a pivotal role in attracting crucial donor support.

Case Study

The Value of Impact Measurement and Management: Lessons from a Youth Employment Program in South Africa

Impact assessment and measurement are vital to achieving the desired outcomes of impact-first as well as sustainable impact investment strategies, as illustrated by this case study of a South African youth employment program.

Research Highlights

Creating a Common Language for Impact Assessment

Impact investors often need to deal with a complex list of impact metrics. We review different methods of harmonizing the impact metrics by monetization to provide a standardized assessment of sustainable investments.

Case Study

Creating a Small World City: Social Impact Assessment of Noto Ryugaku, an Internship Program Established by a Private Community Development Corporation

See how a local sustainable project helps an aging region in Japan thrive and their social value report by use of SROI.

Regional Report

History of Impact in Japan and toward Impact Economy

History of Impact in Japan and SIIF An impact investor survey in Japan reported that the impact investment balance of Japanese organizations reached 1.3 trillion yen in 2021, and the Japanese impact investment market is anticipated to grow along with the development of impact measurement and management (IMM). The first milestone of the impact investment […]

Organizational Report

Impact Management for the Power of Love Platform by Taishin Charity Foundation

Background Taishin Charity Foundation (TCF), founded in 2010 to support small and medium-sized nonprofits and social enterprises, launched Taiwan’s first large-scale online charity campaign called “The Power of Love Platform” (PLP), along with the assistance of capacity building at the organizational level. TCF has adopted the Social Return on Investment (SROI) methodology to assess the […]