
Navigating Impact Measurement and Management: Harnessing the Power of Impact-Weighted Accounts

Impact-Weighted Accounts represent a significant leap forward in a quest for a more sustainable and equitable global economy. Developing and adopting a systematic IWA framework can guide us towards more responsible and transparent business practices, fostering an economic system that truly benefits all stakeholders.

Pioneers Post

What is Impact Verification?

Impact verification involves independent assessments of investors’ impact management processes or impact performance against industry standards. It plays a crucial role in building trust and credibility in impact investing, addressing concerns about impact-washing.


Impact Measurement and Management Principles, Frameworks, Standards, and Metrics

The amount of social activities has grown over the years, increasing transparency, accountability, and legitimacy needs. It incited a rapid increase in the development of different impact measurement methods.

Pioneers Post

Six Social Enterprise Essentials: A Common Accounting Framework is Now Vital

Social enterprise pioneer Freer Spreckley explains why accounting for all costs is essential – and proposes an update of the social accounting and audit system he first designed in the 1980s.

Book Review

An Introduction to Generation Impact: International Perspectives on Impact Accounting

Editor of Generation Impact highlights important themes of the book, elucidating the imperative of impact management and impact accounting for an equitable and sustainable future.

Research Highlights

Critiquing the Commodification of Social Value

An analysis of the marketization and commodification of ‘Social Value’ within third-sector organizations, in the case of SIBs and SROI.

Cover Story

UNDP SDG Impact Standards – Decision Making for Sustainability

Assurance Framework Lead of SDG Impact Standards explains the new flagship decision-making tool of UNDP toward sustainability and against Impact Washing.

Research Highlights

Impact Measurement: A Review of Recent Literature

The complexity and progress in impact measurement focus mainly on four critical areas: choosing appropriate tools, the stakeholder’s involvement, the controversy over standardization, and the development of frameworks for large-scale evaluations.

Case Study

Combining Impact Measurement and Management: A Case Study in Improving Elderly Care in the UK

The case study shows how combining impact measurement and management improved after-care support for elderly patients in a UK health organization. Patient outcomes improved significantly through data-driven insights, staff training, and real-time feedback.

Case Study

Managing for Better Impact

Several years ago, Think Impact made a subtle yet significant shift in the language used around their services. This influenced how they worked with clients and their approach to supporting clients to manage for better impact.